I remember reading an interview with bassist/composer/producer Marcus Miller when he was promoting his 1997 CD, Live & More. One of the high points of the record was his cover of People Make The World Go 'Round by Thom Bell and Linda Creed. In this article, Marcus refers to Thom Bell as "the Black Burt Bacharach", siting their shared use of odd time signatures, complex chord changes and catchy melodies all within a pop song. For whatever reason, that quote stuck in my mind.
Cut to about 13 years later. As I'm apt to do, I made my Facebook status the VERY tongue-in-cheek "Damon Warmack is the Black Burt Bacharach!". My buddy, the amazing drummer Skeeto Valdez, saw this, took it and ran with it. We were hosting a weekly jam session at Alvin's in Detroit at the time and he began
So, Bell, Biv DeVoe. Now you know.
Be Good,